Sunday, June 21, 2020

Erstwhile Ninoy Aquino, Lorenzo Tanada fan writes: “But now, it seems to me, that we were all had.”

At one point in our adult lives, we become disillusioned with things after we found out, albeit late, that they are actually not what our parents or the mainstream media told us.

Well, such is the case of Atty. Ahmed Paglinawan of the FB page Luminous by Trixie Cruz-Angeles & Ahmed Paglinawan who talked about his disillusionment with his erstwhile heroes while growing up.

According to him, Ninoy Aquino, Lorenzo Tanada and Eugenio Lopez Sr. were his erstwhile heroes, very much like his parents, because he thought they were respectable and smart people whose life and work were devoted to no one but the common man.

‘When I was growing up, my mind was well-occupied by notions that people like Lorenzo Tanada, Eugenio Lopez Sr and Benigno Aquino were such upstanding and smart people whose life and work were dedicated to no one but the poor and the oppressed.

Well, as I’ve said earlier, Atty. Paglinawan realized that his erstwhile heroes were nothing but politicians who did things to further their politics. Not for the country or the common tao. He also talked about his parents having the same beliefs as dearly as he did. Perhaps even more so.

‘Now it seems clear that these people were just another bunch of politicians who did political things. Not for the nation or the masses; but quite clearly for their own interests. Even my parents and their contemporaries held the same beliefs as dearly as I did. Maybe even more so. But now, it seems to me, that we were all had.

Although, he admitted getting hurt that his erstwhile heroes were fake, he sounded magnanimous because he still believe that they had to do under the circumstances.

‘And while it pains me to realize that most of what I had believed about them, my erstwhile heroes, are fake, I still do believe that they did what they had to do under the circumstances. Never mind that the motivations, objectives and the means they had may have been tainted by so much humanity.’

Good thing, Atty. Paglinawan still believes in fellow Filipinos and that we can rise above our personal interest or politics when national interest requires.

‘Lord knows that when we are called to it, Filipinos can and will step up to the plate, shudder a little bit, and then try our damndest to give a homerun spectacle for our nation.’

Atty. Paglinawan asked the Filipinos to ignore that our system may have been so rigged akin to a lousy Hollywood bomb wire-cutting scene blah, blah.

‘Again, nevermind that the game may have been so rigged, it looks like a lousy Hollywood bomb wire-cutting scene under the fucking hood.’

‘There is profit, still, in lies,’ Atty. Paglinawan remarked.

Atty. Paglinawan wrapped the post by leaving his readers something to ponder upon – that no matter how pervasive are the lies, once in a while, the truth triumph over lies.

‘But the truth has to come out every now and then.’


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Source: Luminous by Trixie Cruz-Angeles & Ahmed Paglinawan

The post Erstwhile Ninoy Aquino, Lorenzo Tanada fan writes: “But now, it seems to me, that we were all had.” appeared first on Pinoy Trending News.

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