Like Father, Like Son.
We all know that Dingdong Dantes loves green mangoes, and his tolerance for sour food is very high.
Well, it looks like his son, Baby Ziggy inherited this trait of his Daddy. Marian posted a clip of Sixto while eating green mangoes.
Marian said, “Manang mana ka sa tatay mo.. walang asim asim!.”
in other news, Dingdong posted a new photo of Sixto. Many fans are surprised how big he is now. Many fans also said how he looks like a mini version of both his parents.
Just like Zia, Sixto is a perfect combination of Dingdong and Marian.
Such a handsome baby boy!

The post Sixto’s maasim face appeared first on Team Dantes.
Source: Team Dantes