Business Development Manager Stacey Thomas was not feeling well when she was on a business trip to Germany. She noticed that her left leg was turning black and it was hard for her to balance while standkng. She was admitted to the hospital and was diagnosed of necrotizing fasciitis.
Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare flesh-eating disease caused by a serious bacterial skin infection. It kills the body’s soft tissues. She noticed that it first started with a painful rash on her leg. She immediately had a surgery after the infection grew worst. It spread from her knee cap and went up to her groin.
The 30 year old lady was advised that it might be necessary to remove her leg and she might wake up with only one leg left. Fortunately, the doctors were still able to save her. They just had to cut the infected flesh and muscles.
"I had six surgeries in just two weeks on my leg as they tried to close the huge holes that had appeared across my leg together.
"On one occasion a doctor came in to check on my stitches when the wound exploded like a blood blister.
"It left a fist sized hole in my leg that he then put his hand into to feel inside," Stacey narrated.