Monday, July 31, 2017

Agnes Callamard secret exposed! She is connected to Smartmatic!

Last May, Callamard rebuked President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs, claiming the war does not work and that the danger associated to illegal drugs were not really caused by it but by "badly thought out policies."

However, the supposed investigations of Callamard did not pursue after she declined in the public debate President Duterte demanded as a condition. Instead, the French rapporteur requested for a private meeting, stating that findings of her investigations must remain confidential.

A connection was found between United Nations Special Rapporteur Agnes Callamard and Smartmatic, the company responsible for the voting machines used in the alleged cheating elections in previous years.

Former Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) secretary Rafael Alunan explained in his Facebook page how Callamard is connected to the George Soros, a billionaire who have an influence over Smartmatic.

Agnes Callamard is currently the UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions.

He explained that Callamard is the former Chef de Cabinet for the Secretary General of Amnesty International and became the Research Policy Coordinator of the organization.

Callamard has done various human rights investigations on several countries within the continents of Africa, Asia and even in the Middle East. Moreover, she was the executive director of Article 19, an international human rights organization that promotes and defends freedom of expression and seeks to access global information.

What is Article 19?

Founded in 1987, it is a British human rights organization that mandates on defending and promoting freedom of expression worldwide.

"Article 19’s work is organised into five Regional Programmes—Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East—and a Law Program. It has over 100 staff and regional offices in Bangladesh, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Senegal, and Tunisia. It works in partnership with nearly 100 organizations in more than 60 countries around the world," he explained more.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown owns Smartmatic and is connected to George Soros through an organization called Open Society Foundation.

Soros, on the other hand, is a Hungarian-American billionaire and one of the financial contributors of Article 19. He is also reportedly partly owner of Smartmatic, the controversial voting machine manufacturer involved in an alleged election fraud last May 2016 elections in the Philippines.

However, Smartmatic claims that Soros is not connected to them but the former DILG secretary thinks otherwise.

"Eh, ano? Hawak nya naman ang may-ari ng Smartmatic na ginamit pangdaya sa ating mga eleksyon noong 2010, 2013 at 2016. Sino ang nakapwesto sa panahon na yon? The difference is the same," he wrote.

"The connected dots now show who the regime change conspirators are, here and abroad. Don't forget the drug syndicates linked to them and assorted narcopoliticians," Alunan added.

Voting machines from Smartmatic were used during the May 2016 elections where an alleged manipulation of server codes and various pre-shaded ballots were used to cheat by the camp of incumbent Vice President Leni Robredo against one of her election opponents, former Sen. Bongbong Marcos.

Source: Rafael Alunan

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