Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Zia Dantes got her first dose Vaccine against Covid-19

celebrity kids first dose..

Celebrity kids like Zia Dantes, the daughter of Dong Dantes and Marian Rivera-Dantes and Sparkle Child Stars proudly flex that they got their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

Sparkle Child Star Rafael got his first dose, Rafael will play as Little John in the upcoming tv series Voltes V Legacy.

Set Dela Cruz and Angelica Ulip proudly posed for pictures after getting vaccinated.

Zia Dantes is now also partially vaccinated after receiving her first dose of the vaccine against covid-19. Daddy Dong accompanied Ate Zia to the vaccination site.

The children of Judy Anne Santos and Ryan Agoncillo also got their first dose of the vaccine. Judy Anne and Ryan gave praise to the frontliners for a job well done.

Here’s the video from GMA:


The post Zia Dantes got her first dose Vaccine against Covid-19 appeared first on Team Dantes.

Source: Team Dantes

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