Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Dad Secretly Maintained The Memorial Of His Son For 13 Years Until This Billionaire Gave Him An Unexpected Message!

For 13 years, a memorial has been properly taken care of, always filled with flowers, lights, and angels. Situated in a land owned by multi-billion dollar company Chevron, the person behind the maintenance of the memorial was never found until the company left a letter on the mysterious memorial.

Dad Secretly Maintained The Memorial Of His Son For 13 Years Until This Billionaire Gave Him An Unexpected Message!

The note informed the caretaker that the land will undergo renovation, and asked for his identity. This is when Ray Olson appeared and introduced himself.

In 2003, Ray’s son Raymond died in a car accident involving a drunk driver which occurred on the same spot of the memorial. Since then, Ray has been visiting and maintaining the area but only at night. Ray considered the memorial a tribute to his lost son, and he was scared that the owner of the property might take it away from him.

Dad Secretly Maintained The Memorial Of His Son For 13 Years Until This Billionaire Gave Him An Unexpected Message!

Much to his surprise, after stepping up, Chevron offered Ray a more honorable and decent memorial park for his son. It comes with a plaque and photograph of Raymond and a bench on the side for grieving visitors.

"We said, 'This is your spot, Ray. You no longer have to come at night," Joe Lorenz from Chevron told NBC News.

Dad Secretly Maintained The Memorial Of His Son For 13 Years Until This Billionaire Gave Him An Unexpected Message!



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