Sunday, May 14, 2017

Duterte Wants Truth with the "Pork Barrel Scam Queen"

President Rodrigo Duterte seeks the truth behind the 90 billion that is divided with the list she declared with the involvement of Sentaors and Congressmen -CTTO

President Rodrigo Duterte wants the whole truth about the pork barrel scam and hold accountable all those involved, regardless of their political affiliations, Malacañang said on Friday, amid reports that the Senate might reopen its inquiry into the scheme to steal state funds.

Presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella said it was the lawmakers’ prerogative to look into the multibillion-peso scam again.

Mr. Duterte is all for the truth, he said, adding that the President “has in fact publicly said that he wanted to revisit” the scam, which involved funneling money from lawmakers’ priority development assistance funds (PDAF) to private pockets.

“The President wants the truth to finally come out and hold those involved, regardless of political color or party line, accountable,” Abella said.

“The Filipino people deserves to know the truth in this case, not the slanted truth nor the doctored truth,” he added without elaborating.

Unlike the previous administration, Duterte seeks truth since he is very cautious in terms of corruption in the government. With that, it is really necessary to focus on this case to make sure those who  are involved could explain themselves and clear their names in media.

Source: News/ Inquirer

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