Thursday, June 29, 2017

Top Catholic official charged with sexual assault offenses

Anyone who is working for the Catholic church are expected to have high moral and spiritual values and are actually living their lives the Christian way.

However, that didn't seem to be the case of Cardinal George Pell, one of the most senior officials in the Catholic Church.

Pell is charged with multiple historical sexual assault offenses in his own home country, Australia.

The suspect previously denied the allegations of covering up the abuse of other priest while he was still serving as the Archbishop of Melbourne from 1996 to 2001 though he admitted the deceased Archbishop Frank Little, his predecessor, had previously destroyed documents to cover up for the priest.

"I want to be perfectly clear -- the process and the procedures that have been followed in the charging of Cardinal Pell have been the same that have been applied in a whole range of historical sex offenses whenever we investigate them," Victoria Deputy Police Commissioner Shane Patton said at a news conference.

"Cardinal Pell has been treated the same as anyone else in this investigation."

Pell is currently serving as the top adviser of Pope Francis and the Vatican's top financial adviser. Back in 2013, Pell was named as one of the eight cardinals who were tasked with investigating ways to reform the church.

On July 18th, he is required to appear in the Melbourne Magistrate's court for a filing hearing. The police said that he will be facing multiple charges and there are also multiple complainants relating to those charges.

Pell apologized and acknowledged the cover-up allegations which allowed pedophile priest to continue their abuses to children.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, he is still in the Vatican. Donald Rothwell, a professor of international law at the Australian National University, stated that Australia and Vatican do not have any extradition treaty.

However, basing from the previous comments of Pell and Pope Francis is atoning for the church's responsibility in the scandal, he believes that Pell will voluntarily face the charges against him in Australia.

"Given Cardinal Pell's very senior position in the church, I believe the Pope would expect the cardinal to return and face these charges," Rothwell said.

Pell to a leave of absence from the Vatical to face the sexual abuse charges against him in Australia.

Pells case is currently the latest scandal the Roman Catholic church is facing. "I'm innocent of these charges, they are false," Pell said. "The whole idea of sexual abuse is abhorrent to me."

Meanwhile, the police assured that he is not receiving any special treatment  although he is a high ranking official of the Vatican.

"I want to be perfectly clear -- the process and the procedures that have been followed in the charging of Cardinal Pell have been the same that have been applied in a whole range of historical sex offenses whenever we investigate them," Victoria Deputy Police Commissioner Shane Patton said at a news conference.

"Cardinal Pell has been treated the same as anyone else in this investigation."

George Pell said that he will clear his name from the charges now that he is offered a chance to set things straight.

"All along, I have been completely consistent and clear in my total rejection of these allegations. News of these charges strengthens my resolve and court proceedings now offer me an opportunity to clear my name," Pell said. "I'm looking forward finally to having my day in court."

Source: CNN

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