Kenyan man Forence Owiti Opiyo first noticed a cyst on his genitals in 2006 when he was just 10 years old. This native of Kibigori, Kenya was plagued by an unknown disease that caused his genitals to blow up 10 times the average size.
The swelling is said to have been triggered by a cyst. The unwanted growth was fixed through an initial procedure, only to re-emerge years later. His testicles grew so big that it hindered his ability to walk.
“This thing started very small, like a boil. Then it was the size of my fist. It just continued to grow bigger and bigger.
They grew so large that he had to drop out of school because kids were making fun of him and his clothes weren't fitting properly anymore. He ended up spending all his time at home and mending shoes for people to raise money.
His saving grace came through his neighbor who took shocking photographs of Opiyo’s member and posted it on Facebook to ask for medical assistance. Soon after, a group of surgeons at Jaramogi Oginga Idonga Teaching and Referral Hospital initiated help for Forence.
Later on, he was diagnosed with Scrotal Lymphedema. A parasitic infection caused this condition that often lodges itself in the lymphatic system and wrecks havoc with a person’s immune system.
“We spared the nerves, we spared the circulation and we brought the shaft to its rightful size.
I believe Forence is going to enjoy his life like any other normal human being. In three months he will be just normal in his functions and be able to do everything he wants to do," Dr. James Obondi said.
“I would really love to have children one day, that is what I desire. I would like to give thanks to God for healing me," Forence wished and finally, he will be able to achieve this dream!
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