Wednesday, August 30, 2017

MUST WATCH: The Philippines is the "RICHEST" Country in the World

MUST WATCH: The Philippines is the "RICHEST" Country in the World
A very controversial video published by a seemingly Marcos propagandist, ‘Bring back the glory of our nation. Ferdinand Marcos JR for President‘ Facebook fan page, which is now being talked about in the social media.

Although it was published on April of 2015, it is still a very intriguing topic to talk about.

This is about the hidden wealth of the Marcoses, which are considered as ill-gotten wealth, according the past governments of the Philippines after the Marcos regime.

The documentary video says that Marcos obtained a very huge amount of gold, estimating to more than a million metric tons of gold bars.

In the video is Karen Hudes, an eminent former lawyer of World Bank, talking to a guy who looks like a journalist.

Hudes said:

“The world Bank and IMF are very special organization. They are sitting on the top of the world’s health, which was put into a secret account and it has more gold than anybody knows about. And it is cloaked locked in secrecy. The bankers do not own that money. It’s held in benefit of humanity.”

Hudes added that more than half of the overwhelming amount of gold are mostly kept in the Philippines.

It’s hard to say whether this is mere speculation or a simple conspiracy theory. There were many instances that Imelda Marcos even told the media that there is indeed gold that were obtained by the her husband, the late former President Ferdinand Marcos. But that she cleared out that the gold are in the hands of the Philippine government and the World Bank. So, according to her, the gold is not with them anymore, since the Marcos regime was toppled down in 1986.

Here is what the fan page said in its video caption in a form of an article:


Did you know about – MARCOS GOLD?

This was the “MARCOS WEALTH” that some POLITICIAN and CHURCHMEN kept on saying was the:

“ILL – GOTTEN” Marcos Wealth..

Brief History

From 1866 to 1898 , Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, who became titleholder of OCT 01-4 in 1864 – ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 01-4 PROTOCOL ,The number 01 refers to the ONE NATION, known in pre – Hispanic times as MAHARLIKA. The number 4 refers to the original four regions og this nation:(1) Luzon (2) Visayas (3) Mindanao (4) Palawan , has been frequenting the Vatican.

In 1934, under Pope PiusXII , the Vatican negotiated with the member of the Filipino Royal Family, the Christian Tallano clan in Maharlika. An agreement was reached that 640,000 metric tons of the Tallano gold would be LENT to the Pope. This was part of that gold accumulated by the Southeast Asian Srivijayan/Madjapahit Empire during its glorious reign of 900 years.

In 1939, two members of the Tallano family and Roman Catholic Priest , Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz brought the gold from Kota Kinabalu , Sabah to the Vatican.

After doing this, Fr Diaz went back to the Maharlika and resided in Cabanatuan City.

After World War II , he facilitated the safe return of the 640,000 metric tons of GOLD from the Vatican tovthe Maharlika .Manuel Acuna Roxas( relative of the Acuna/ Tagean/ Tallano clan), then a congressman, and Bishop Enrique Sobrepena Sr, in the presence of Atty. Lorenzo Tanada, RECEIVED the gold in Manila.

There is good reason to believe, even from further along in this account , that the young attorney FERDINAND E. MARCOS was involved in the return of the GOLD. Certainly by all accounts we have seen jt was Ferdinand Marcos and Diaz who shared in the enormous 30% commission- that is 192,000 TONS of Gold worth around $4 TRILLION today(2006) – for handling this transaction.


A lease agreement was made between the Tallano clan and the Maharlika government. A total of 640,000 metric tons of gold was deposited in the newly installed Central Bank of the Maharlika to comply with its requirement for GOLD RESERVE. Under the terms of the contract , the Central Bank became the HOLDER of that gold. That LEASE agreement will EXPIRE in the year 2005.

The Tallano Foundation has given notice of the termination of this 50 year lease following the additional 5 year discretionary period on December 31,2005 but remains unable to obtain an inventory of this asset even though the CENTRAL BANK( now Bangko Sentral Pilipinas ) is no longer entitled to HOLD the gold.

Having gained the trust and confidence of Fr Diaz, the Tallano clan made him the main negotiator and trustee of their gold. Fr Diaz in turn, hired the services of ATTY. FERDINAND E MARCOS. , then a RECOMMENDED BRILLIANT YOUNG LAWYER having attained notoriety when he successfully defended himself in the ” NALUNDASAN CASE” in 1939.

Tha TALLANO clan paid commission to Fr. Diaz and Atty .Marcos in gold, 30% From the principal of 640, 000 metric tons.

In 1949. The two richest men in the world were Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz and Atty. Ferdinand E. Marcos . Between the two of them they legitimately earned and owned 192,000 metric tons of GOLD- from TALLANO CLAN and Maharlika Government.

Ferdinand Marcos withdrew their share of the gold from the Central Bank and minted it ” RP -CB”. Sometime later, Fr.Diaz and Marcos brought their gold to SWITZERLAND , in the SWISS BANK CORPORATION in Zurich.

The remaining 400,000 metric tons of TALLANO GOLD- ( Prince Lacan Acuna Macleod Tallano- son of Rajah Soliman Tagean and grandson of Maharajah Luisong Tagean) is in the third floor basement of the CENTRAL BANK MINTING PLANT in East Ave. Quezon City.

There are 950,000 metric tons of Gold (declearedmissing in the International Court of Justice) picked up by Yamshita from its European ally, Hitler.

Let’s review some numbers at this point because there are certainly some unexplained LOSSES along the way.

The Tagean- Tallano gold started at 720,000 tons . 640,000 tons were transported to the Vatican and back, leaving 80,000 tons unaccounted from the outset.

Out of 640,000 tons, 192,000 tons were paid in commission, which should be leave 448,000 tons- but somehow hat number as become 400,000 tons , leaving another 48,000 tons unaccounted.

Following this story there are 128,000 (80,000 plus 48,000) tons of gold which somehow ” slipped through the cracks” in addition to 192,000 earned in commission, WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN.. Opppsss!!!

Out of the remaining 400,000 tons we do not know how much remains. We know there was an effort to do a major ” disappearing act” when the old Central Bank morphed into the new Bangko Sentral Pilipinas- but a recent decision of the SUPREME COURT ( Banco Filipino versus BSP ) has upheld that BSP is responsible for the liabilities of the old Central Bank.

The POINT is that ultimately , a complete accounting should show where ALL of the original 720, 000 tons WENT- not to mention estimated 1.2 MILLION tons of Yamashita treasure ( combined German and Japanese plunder) identified above ( that is very nearly TWO MILLION TONS OF GOLD worth more than $38 TRILLION at todays price 2006)

The phony, CIA backed EDSA ” PEOPLE POWER ” exhibition of 1986 had one primary purpose and that was to take this vast QUANTITY OF GOLD from the Philippines and the FILIPINO PEOPLE for the benefit of the INTERNATIONAL BANKING CARTEL to enslave mankind.


When Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz , died in 1974 all the 30% COMMISSION in gold became the legendary ” MARCOS GOLD” . After providing for his family in Marcos ‘ Letter of Instruction, the whole wealth derived from this was supposed to be given to the FILIPINO PEOPLE . This was the “MARCOS WEALTH” that some POLITICIAN and CHURCHMEN kept on saying was the:

” ILL – GOTTEN ” Marcos Wealth..

WHY THIS WEALTH HAS BEEN LABELED ” ILL – GOTTEN ” a little further along in our STUDY , that unti today is in MARCOS SECRET ACCOUNTS.


In his GRAND PLAN, MARCOS wanted to RE ESTABLISHED the former grandeur of MAHARLIKA and the whole region of SOUTHEAST ASIA , the former MALAYAN EMPIRE.

In June 1983, Marcos appeared before the First World leaders in Toronto. He announced his plan to boost economy of the Southeast Asia Region by creating ASIAN DOLLAR. This would be backed up by the 400,000 metric tons of gold in Central Bank.

The ASIAN DOLLAR , backed up by the two thirds of all gold in the world that was in the Maharlika. Would made the Maharlika money more valuable and stronger that the American dollar. This was his vision to raise Southeast Asia to be par with the rest of the first world countries.

There is plenty of solid evidence of a program MARCOS worked on with American President Ronald Reagan, which referred to as the ABL ( ANG BAGONG LIPUNAN) program. Under this program some 250 sets of gold , documentation and related ABL currency were to be shipped to various countries around the world.


To this day, the 400,000 metric tons of GOLD are still in the CENTRAL BANK in East Avenue , Quezon City. NOBODY CAN MOVE it because Marcos insured it with the LLOYDS OF LONDON and its agents are guarding it.


Not only have SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS of the Philippines failed to ACKNOWLEDGE the existence of the GOLD, they have CONSPIRED to keep this information from being KNOWN to the Filipino People.

We assume this is because they have been working at ways to convert the GOLD for their own selfish gain, probably in conspiracy with the International Banking Cartel.

Immediately after Ferdinand Marcos was REMOVED from the office by a U.S MILITARY helicopter , the NEWLY installed PRESIDENT CORAZON AQUINO , formed the PCGG- Presidential Commission on Good Government, PURPORTEDLY to go after the Marcos – ILL GOTTEN WEALTH.

” IT WAS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CONSPIRATORS THAT THIS WEALTH SHOULD BE LABELLED ~~ILL – GOTTEN~~ even though, as has already been shown , MR MARCOS was in his OWN RIGHT the WEALTHIEST MAN on the face of the EARTH and had absolutely no need to take anything from anyone.

A decision of the FEDERAL SUPREME COURT OF SWITZERLAND dated December 21,1990 said……”… By decision of May 29,1986 , the attorney general of District of Zurich accepted in principle to the legal assistance requested by the PHILIPPINES and invited all the banks of the City of Zurich to FREEZE IMMEDIATELY all the accounts, deposits or safes of the persons, companies or foundations ( of MARCOS) in the order….”

THE ACCOUNTS WERE FROZEN at the request of the government of the Philippines and the PCGG has ensured they have remained FROZEN to this day.

This is all a GRAND SCHEME OR SCAM. BLINDED Filipinos must keep repeating that MARCOS was a THEIF ( MAGNANAKAW) so that those HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS of Marcos Money will remain FROZEN and not be given to them for their use..

Consequently, they MUST CONSTANTLY BORROW MONEY from International Monetary Fund( IMF) and World Bank ( WB) with SO MUCH INTEREST so that this COUNTRY WILL REMAIN A SLAVE and SHACKLED to the foreign powers.

HISTORY will show that the money was not stashed away and inaccessible but AVAILABLE to truly deserving Filipinos.

There was NOTHING SECRET about Marcos Accounts. These ACCOUNTS were ONLY MADE SECRET by some people in the government so that the PUBLIC would not know its REAL STORY.


During a talk show in U.S TV the week following the bombing of the New York Twin Towers, PRES BUSH was asked this question:

WHICH IS THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TODAY ? With a smile he said : THE PHILIPPINES, Marcos knew it, but he could not talk.

At the time they made sure that MARCOS would not longer talk. After kidnapping him from Malacanang , they put him in a golden prison in Hawaii

According to Global Finance, the richest country in the world, based on gross domestic product (GDP) and purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita, is Qatar, second Luxembourg, and third Singapore. The Philippines is ranked 118th.

Watch the video below:

source: Facebook