Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trillanes' wife denies accusations against her daughter "Pinalaki namin sila ng maayos"

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Rumors on Senator Antonio Trillanes daughter Thea Trillanes insulting President Rodrigo Duterte's daughter to Honeylet Avancena, "Kittie" made a major noise in social media the other day.

Photos of Thea Trillanes and Veronica "Kittie" Duterte was posted in different blog page asking who is the prettiest between the two. According to a video from a netizen named Nino Ruelo Barzaga, Senator Trillanes' daughter said that "Kittie" was ugly.

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On the said video which was no longer available, Barzaga said that Thea Trillanes criticizes Kittie and on the said video there was no proof that Thea Trillanes insulted Kittie.

Barzaga has posted on different group pages saying "LIKE FATHER LIKE SON THEA TRILLANES ANO TINGIN MO SA SARILI MO MAGANDA BABAE KA OMG YUN SINABIHAN MO PANGET NA KETTY DUTERTE EH MAS MAGANDA PA SYO AT DI MANGLALAIT DI GAYA MO THEA TRILLANES NA MUKHA KANA LUSYANG NA BABAE MUKHA KAPA GARAPATA NA DI NAG AYOS NG SARILI KA BABAE MO TAO AT BATA PA PERO MUKHA NASA 60 YEARS OLD KANA THEA TRILLANES ", and on the said article which was no longer available, friends, netizens and now the mother of Thea Trillanes posted in Facebook as a reply on what Barzaga has posted in social media which made noise the other day.

Alyssa Nicole Morada shared the article from a blog page Trend News Philippines, saying she knew Senator Trillanes daughter and describes the Senator's daughter as a "simple lady".

Photo credit to MemeBuster.Net
Meanwhile, Arlene Trillanes wife of Senator Antonio Trillanes posted in her Facebook page defending her daughter Thea Trillanes after malicious post in different Facebook groups and page. A mother's love would definitely defend it's offspring against people who hurts her child. In the said post, she says that  the behavior of their children reflects on their well being. 

Senator Antonio Trillanes has been a consistent critic of President Rodrigo Duterte and it's offspring Davao Vice Mayor Paolo "Pulong"Duterte. The wife of Senator Trillanes speaks out bursting how they raises well their children, she just wishes them well most especially the people behind those articles, photos and videos saying that their Thea Trillanes insulted the President's daughter Veronica "Kittie" Duterte. 

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As of writing, the said photos are still circulating in social media and as a parent nobody wants our child to be bullied either online or anywhere else they are into. The word war between President Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Antonio Trillanes is about politics and some may take it personally and both parties have their own evidence but their children should not be involve. 

Netizens react spontaneously on the said photos in different Duterte groups and there also netizens who supported Thea Trillanes since on the said video by Barzaga doesn't have any proof that the daughter of Senator Trillanes really said that to Kittie Duterte. 

Photo credit to MemeBuster.Net

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