Saturday, March 21, 2020

How can you help NCR hospitals during the pandemic? See list

HOSPITALS and health personnel all across the metro are grappling with the strain of stretched resources and multiple numbers of reported cases and persons under investigation.

Majority of the 230 reported cases of the disease are hospitalized in the NCR, according to the latest report of the Department of Health on March 20.

The medical personnel treating these cases as well as the numerous persons under investigation are often called “frontliners”. As early as March 3, the World Health Organization wrote that, on a global level, “Shortages are leaving doctors, nurses and other frontline workers dangerously ill-equipped to care for COVID-19 patients, due to limited access to supplies such as gloves, medical masks, respirators, goggles, face shields, gowns, and aprons.”

Food and water are also necessary to these frontliners.

Various medical organizations have posted appeals on social media for equipment, food, and cash donations to help these personnel out. Here’s a list of medical organizations where you can donate. Please wait for the social media embeds to load completely.

Philippine General Hospital

The PGH is requesting food donations for its personnel.


UST Medical Alumni Association

The USTMAA is appealing for donations so that its alumni can purchase necessary equipment, as well as food. Bank details are listed below.


Philippine Association of Medical Technologists

PAMET is appealing to anyone with excess supplies of masks, sanitizers, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to donate through their ‘Caring for the Carers’ program, as supplies are already at critical levels.


UERM Medical Student Council

According to this tweet, the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Medical Center is running low on supplies like alcohol and face masks.


Philippine Nurses Association Zone 1

The Manila chapter of the nationwide nursing association is accepting alcohol, Vitamin C, and other donations.


Lung Center of the Philippines

The Lung Center is in dire need of masks, googles, disinfectants, and more.


Help for Health Movement 

Help for Health Movement is an organization comprised of Doctors to the Barriors (a rural doctors program conducted by the DOH), as well as other public health professionals. They’re assembling ‘hugot packs’, or care packs for frontliners that are good for two weeks.


FEU - Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation

The hospital at the Far Eastern University is asking for face mask donations for their on-duty residents.


UP Medical Foundation and UP National Institutes for Health

These two institutions at the University of the Philippines are calling for both cash donations and donations of masks and PPEs. 



What if you have food and supplies at home but you can’t find a way to donate them to the hospital because of a lack of transportation? Well, the motorcycle taxi service can help you with that.


Source: Spin PH

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