Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A MUST WATCH: Pinay Defends President Duterte on TAIWAN TV

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President Rodrigo Duterte never fails the local and international media to be the center of discussion since he became the president of the Philippines. 

World Focus Youth Talk a tv program in Taiwan tackles issues concerning the Filipino's president Rodrigo Duterte. To know all about the Philippines and what is really in the news and how President Duterte was known for foreigners as the "The Punisher, Murderer and Hitler" where media is bringing in the television, they have invited a guest who is the founder of Phil-Tai Foundation, a missionary and a wife and a mother of Taiwanese who is a resident in Taiwan for so many years. 

According to the host, "We have another hot issue tonight and we still have our students panel to talk with us. Our episode is about a man who has become the center of criticism in local and international media. Taiwan has never become so curious with the Philippine president except this guy. He has just reached 100 days the 16th prsident of the philippoines Mr. Duterte. He's different from all the other president and his intact to the world is huge. His uniqueness brougt criticism and doubt from the media specifically in his war on drugs. Tonight, let's hear everyone's opinion with this issue. Let us watch this video clip showing issues concerning Duterte."

In Taiwan knows his name. The president of the Philippines, Mr Duterte. Philippines tops the highest drug use in Southeast Asian Nations. After winning the elections last May 9, 2016 and take ought as president last June 30, 2016 

Duterte started his war against drugs. His target is to rid out of drugs within 6 months. From Dutete's campaign against drugs there are 47 deaths everyday. There is a  total of 3,500 deaths from the on set of war on drugs until this present time. There are more than 500K thousand surrenderies without rehabilitation center so they list their names. They surrender because they are scared they might be killed.

There is this man, Matobato who testified last Sept 15 2016 that Duterte kills people. Even the US President Obama disagrees  with the ways Duterte war on drugs. Duterte strongly tells everyone to never interfere in his war on drugs. 

Local and international media re criticizing Duterte but he has 91% trust from the Filipinos. Many supporters of Duterte march together to support  his cause. Is he the hope the Philipoines? The punisher, the murderer? His terms has just started and we have yet to see his term. 

Duterte has 6 years to go as president of the Philippines. He will rule until 2022. There are too many issue which makes it harder to interpret him. 

Host: Our special guest tonight is Gen. The founder of Phil Tai Foundation. Phil Tai the Voice and a philatrophist. Jen is a missionary in Taiwan, married to a Taiwanese and a mother. Gen also helps the Filipinos and Taiwanese here. In Taiwan, understands their culture differences. 

"Tonight, we want to hear from you about your thoughts on the issues, relevant to your Filipino president Duterte. "

According to Gen, "Duterte for my own eyes is a father. He is our father because from the moment he joined the president race he always tells the Filipinos this words. Why am I here? I am here because I love my country and I love the Filipino people. "

Host: Perhaps you feel that the video clip that weve shown is biased or negative? But it wasnt from us. It was from your countries media. Despite the negative and biased reproting. Do you still support him?

Gen said: Yes! Of course I and majority of the Filipinos support him because we all watch his live speech. The one we saw from the clip was just a small part of the whole speech. And it never represented his real message for the people.

"I support him 100%, because he is really like a father who wants to solve the problem in the family. And this is the kind of President we all have been waiting for a long time. "

Let's hear what the student panel think about the issue.

What do you guy think about Duterte being called as a murderer or killer?

Student 1: "I disagree with his ways in fighting drugs. It's impossible that the previous presidents didnt do anything to fight this drugs.Maybe the previous presidents were not able to solve the problem, now Duterte has come, a strong leader even it is a fight against drugs he cannot have men to kill this drugs users or pushers. Because it's possible that this vigilante will kill innocent men. "

Student 2: "Guys, you have to consider Duterte has 91% trust from the Filipinos. When did any of Taiwan politician earned this kind of If the majority of the Filipinos trust him. I think he must continue what he is doing. "

Gen said: "I have to correct your perception on Duterte's drug war. If we can all watch and understand his lives speeches his mandate to the policemen is truly based on human rights. His ways is fair. We have double barrel with operation "Tokhang". In this police operation,the police will knock and plead to the drug user and pusher to surrender. This is how our president instructed our policemen, and it was never a mass killing. This police operation is even life threatening to the policement because they are going to a drug pusher or user's house. The policemen will peacefully ask if the person in the list is indeed a drug user or pusher, then he asked to confirm. Then they are asked to go to the police station to surrender and make an affidavit, promising that he will never get involve in drugs again. See, isnt it a fair way to get this criminals? Their human right are very wll protected. right? Therefore, this issue on murder is a big misunderstanding. Philippines is 90% Catholic, we have been poor for so long until now. I also believed that everyone here knows the Philippines who used to be a rich country then, even wealthier that Taiwan before. Our economy fell since 1986, because most of our politicians are plunders. Corruption in the government is severe. When Duterte came, we all support him because he answers to the three huge problems in the Philippines. 

1. Drugs
2. No corruption
3. No crimes

Thus, without drugs corruption is gone and crimes are gone too. 

Host: What we see is in the news that's maybe we have this kind of interpretation about Duterte. We are living in the Philippines and we don't know who among here have gone to the Philippines. 

Based on the information we have heard from you, it is juts a misunderstanding created by media. 

Student 3: "How about the Filipina in the video clip telling us about firing squad? "

Gen said: There is no such thing as firing squad. It never even exist. This answer is not only because I am a Filipino. I am using a Taiwan angle interpreting thing and my advantage is I watch several media station, not only one. 

Host: So, Do you believe that there is a firing squad that exist in your country under Duterte?

Gen: There is no firing squad. The Filipinos fully support Duterte's way in fighting drugs. We disagree on that witness, because we know the real situation. 

Host: So, meaning. You and your friends disagrees to this woman who testify about firing squad. 

Student 4: I think there must be a legal process in catching this drug users or pushers. How do they know that he is a drug pusher?

Gen said: First concern is the legal process. The program is indeed following the legal process. Second concern, is the narco-list. This has been at hand by the drug agency in the Philippines for so long. No one dare to expose the people in the list because many are from the police force and even politicians. With the regards to the legal process,it is surely following the law. Our president has a clear mandate on this. The one in the list they are asked peacefully and made them promise not to do it again. We cannot jail them because it is not legal. We can only put them behind bars if they are caught in the act of doing the crime on drugs. 

Host: Therefore,based on what you have informed us. Proverty really is one reason on this drug problem. You mentioned about other programs of Duterte within is 100 days. What are those that are existing now?

Gen said: Duterte has accomplished so many in his 100 days. The killings is a mere diversion created by our media. I think people must focus on the positive things Duterte has done. One great thing is our premium buses in our International airport. The first time we have this kind of buses. So, Duterte has improved transportation. Second, great accomplishment is no more age descrimination in job application or employment. 

Host: Now I really wonder why we do not see this is your countries news?

Jen said: I also don't understand why our media dwells in the killings instead. 
I admit that our president has a big mouth. 

Host: He even said, he is Hitler's cousin, why would he say that? Why would Duterte talks about this things openly in the public. I think no rational being would admit that he is a cousin of Hitler in the public. So, it made us all confused on what kind of person is Duterte?

Gen said: That Hitler issue I will bring you all to the source of it. One Senator accused him or compared him to Hitler in his speech in the Senate  hearing. Duterte was not that serious when he said, he is like Hitler. He knew media in the Philippines devours on his big mouth so he let them have what they want. 

Host: Why did Duterte cursed Obama?

Gen said: Again, I asked a Filipino would not agree on that news. The content of the speech is never even cursing Obama. It's the media that made it look that way. We loveand support him because of one reason. His sincerity.  We always tell the Filipino people that he knows our hearts. He also has his own daughter and grand daughter, he wants them to feel safe too.  You guys here cannot see the burden of the increasing rape case in our country, so we support Duterte because we want this to end. 

Gen said: I would like to emphasize that Duterte never used killing or murder to this drug addicts. And  again, I say Duterte used 100% legal process in fighting drugs. This maybe difficult for you as a Taiwanese to understand but Duterte's decision is for peace. Our president will never risk our country to be the battle field. I just want to inform you that our foreign relationship even with the U.S. is fine. Our DFA Secretary Yasay can prove that. The only culprit of this so called U.S. anf Filipino culprit is this media. 

Host: By listening to our guest, I am now convinced that Duterte has a smart move. 

Student: I think he is avery intelligent president. I think he is the people's president to like what Jen has said. 

Host: So, you all now give Duterte a positive view?

Filipinos now are active in social media in order to show support to Duterte. 

Gen said: We tell the world that we do not sell our vote.

Student: I totally support Duterte's leadership now. Talking about reputation. Duterte prioritizes the Filipinos by taking care of the citizens. The foreign countries will surely know and would love to come to the Philippines more. 

Gen said: The future of the Philippines will be the next Singapore because of Duterte. 

Student: If Duterte's Federalism will be supported by his people, then Philippines will surely be productive. 

Host: I believe our guest, Gen is indeed an excellent defender. I salute how she is able to show her nationalism. Even if she is living her whole life in Taiwan. This is one thing we must learn from her too. Let's all learn how to love our own country.

Watch the full video interview with Gen, the Pinay who defends President Duterte on Taiwan TV:

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Credits: Youtube/ WatchMe

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