Wednesday, August 2, 2017

WATCH: President Duterte 'Favorite' ABSCBN News reporter Doris Bigornia, Nasupalpal Nanaman!

Photo credit to owner

MANILA -- Veteran broadcast journalist Doris Bigornia is again viral on social media which "memes" are currently circulating.

During a press briefing yesterday with President Rodrigo Duterte at the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the media are given a chance to interact with Duterte.

In the said viral video, President Rodrigo called Doris Bigornia and said he wants her to go first.

See part 4:53 of the video:

Doris: "Sir, Kailan ho ulet may matutumba na mayor?"

PRRD: "Eh di, depende na lang sa intriga mo kung saan mas marami."

Then people started laughing and suddenly another reporter asked question to the president.

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Source: Youtube

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